Understanding certificate buckets

Certificate buckets are used to group and sort certificates found during discovery scans. Once discovered, certificates are automatically added to the certificate bucket associated with the discovery task that found them.

The certificates in a bucket can be automatically assigned to an organization or department using assignment rules applied to the bucket.

For more information about assignment rules, see Understanding assignment rules.

Certificate buckets can be managed on the Discovery  Certificate Buckets page.

Certificate Buckets page

The following table describes the settings and controls of the Certificate Buckets page.

Column Description


The unique numeric identifier of the certificate bucket.


The name of the certificate bucket.

Delegation Mode

The delegation mode of the certificate bucket.

The possible values are:

  • General — The certificate bucket is available for all organizations and departments.

  • Customized — The certificate bucket is available for only the selected organizations and departments.

Table controls


Enables you to sort the table information using custom filters.


Refreshes the information presented in the table.

Admin controls


Opens the Add Certificate Bucket dialog where you can add a new certificate bucket.


Removes the selected certificate bucket.


Opens the Edit Certificate Bucket dialog where you can manage an existing certificate bucket.


Opens the Delegate Certificate Bucket dialog where you can manage the certificate bucket’s delegation.


Opens the Certificates dialog where you can view the certificates in the selected certificate bucket.

View Audit

Opens the Certificate Bucket Audit dialog where you can view or download audit logs.