Managing domains

Edit domain details

  1. Navigate to Domains.

  2. Select the domain you want to edit, and click the Edit icon.

  3. Select or deselect Active depending on whether you want the domain to be available for certificate issuance.

  4. Enter a description that provides any contextual information required.

  5. Configure CT logging based on the information in the following table.

    Field Description

    Monitor CT Logs for publicly issued certificates including this domain

    When selected, CT logs are monitored for publicly issued certificates/precertificates that include this domain.

    This feature is useful for detecting unauthorized certificates issued for your domain.

    Include sub-domains

    When selected, sub-domains are included in the CT log monitoring.

    Certificate Bucket

    The certificate bucket used to collect certificates/precertificates from CT logs.

  6. Click Save.

Delegate a domain

  1. Navigate to Domains.

  2. Select the domain you want to delegate, and click Delegate.

  3. Select which organizations and/or departments the domain should be delegated to and for which certificates.

  4. Click Save.

Approve domain creation or delegation

  1. Navigate to Domains.

  2. Select the domain with pending delegations, and click Approve Delegations.

  3. Select an organization/department and click Approve.

  4. Click OK.

Delete a domain

  1. Navigate to Domains.

  2. Select the domain you want to delete, and click the Delete icon.

  3. Click Delete.

Deleting a domain does not clear its DCV status. For information on clearing DCV status, see Clear DCV.