Managing ACME accounts

Edit an ACME endpoint account

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  ACME.

  2. Select the ACME endpoint with the account you want to edit, and click Accounts.

  3. Select the account you want to edit, and click Edit.

  4. Update the Edit ACME account dialog based on the information provided in the following table.

    Field Description


    The name of the account.


    The domains for which certificates can be issued through this account.

    This is available only for Sectigo Public ACME accounts.

    Certificate Profile

    The certificate profile used when enrolling certificates through the account.

    This is available only for Universal ACME accounts.

  5. Click Save.

View certificates enrolled through an account

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  ACME.

  2. Select the ACME endpoint with the account connected to your ACME client, and click Accounts.

  3. Select the account connected with the client you want to view certificates for, and click Clients.

  4. Select the client you want to view certificates for, and click SSL Certificates.

Delete an ACME endpoint account

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  ACME.

  2. Select the ACME endpoint with the account you want to delete, and click Accounts.

  3. Select the account you want to delete, and click the Delete icon.

  4. Click Delete.