Managing device certificates

Download a device certificate

  1. Navigate to Certificates  Device Certificates.

  2. Select the certificate you want to download, and click View.

  3. In the Device Certificate dialog, click the Download icon.

  4. Select the format you want to download the certificate in.

Delete a device certificate entry

Deleting a device certificate entry does not revoke the certificate itself.
  1. Navigate to Certificates  Device Certificates.

  2. Select the certificate entry you want to delete, and click the Delete icon.

  3. Click Delete.

Revoke a device certificate

  1. Navigate to Certificates  Device Certificates.

  2. Select the certificate you want to revoke, and click Revoke.

  3. In the Revocation Reason dialog, select a revocation reason.

  4. Provide a message outlining any relevant details about the certificate or revocation.

  5. Click Revoke.