Managing Azure accounts

Edit an Azure account

  1. Navigate to Integrations  Azure Accounts.

  2. Select an account, and click Edit.

  3. Update the Edit Azure Account fields based on the information provided in the following table.

    Field Description


    The name of the Azure account.


    The Azure environment.

    Directory ID

    The Directory (tenant) ID of the application registered in Azure.

    Application ID

    The Application (client) ID of the application registered in Azure.

    Application (client) Secret

    The Application (client) Secret value for authentication of the application registered in Azure.

  4. Click Test Connection to validate the data.

  5. Click Save.

Delegate an Azure account

  1. Navigate to Integrations  Azure Accounts.

  2. Select an Azure account, and click Delegate.

  3. Select General to delegate the account to all existing organizations, or select Customized and manually specify organizations/departments.

  4. Click Save.

Delete an Azure account

  1. Navigate to Integrations  Azure Accounts.

  2. Select the Azure account to be deleted, and click the Delete icon.

  3. Click Delete.