Adding private CAs
SCM enables you to add a trial private Certificate Authority (CA). To add a full private CA, or to upgrade a trial private CA to a full private CA, contact your SCM account manager.
Request a trial private CA
Navigate to
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Select a private CA backend from the Select CA backend dropdown list.
Click Add.
Complete the Request Trial CA dialog based on the information provided in the following table.
Field Description CA name
The name of the private CA.
Parent Issuer
Indicates whether the private CA is a root CA or an issuing CA.
None (Self Issued Root): When selected, the private CA is created as a root CA.
Existing root CA: Selecting an existing root CA will create an issuing CA signed by the selected root CA.
The template used to create the private CA. This determines the key size and lifetime of the private CA certificate.
Signature Algorithm
The algorithm used to sign the private CA certificate.
Customer Name
The name of the associated business entity. This value is used in the Organization (O) and Common Name (CN) fields in the private CA certificate.
City or Locality
The city or locality in which the business entity resides.
State or Province
The state or province in which the business entity resides.
The country in which the business entity resides.
Click OK, and click OK again.