Adding access restrictions

Add an access restriction

  • Global

  • Org/Dep

  1. Navigate to Settings  Customer ACL.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Complete the Add IP Range fields based on the information provided in the following table.

    Field Description


    The IP address or range in CIDR notation to which SCM access is restricted.


    A description containing contextual information about the restriction.


    The type of administrator that the restriction applies to.

    The possible options are:

    • ALL — All administrators regardless of their type or affiliation with an organization or department must satisfy the restriction in order to log into SCM.

    • MRAO — MRAO administrators must satisfy the restriction in order to log into SCM.

    • ORG — RAO and DRAO administrators must satisfy the restriction in order to log into SCM.

  4. Click Save.

Unlike restrictions created on the Customer ACL page, restrictions created on the Organizations page apply only to RAO and DRAO administrators affiliated with the organization or department for which the restriction is created.
  1. Navigate to Organizations, and select the appropriate organization or department.

  2. Click Access Control List.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Complete the Add IP Range fields based on the information provided in the following table.

    Field Description


    The IP address or range in CIDR notation to which SCM access is restricted.


    A description containing contextual information about the restriction.

    It is suggested that you include the organization or department name in the description.

  5. Click Save.