Managing certificates

Edit a certificate’s details

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page.

  2. Select the certificate to be updated, and click Manage.

  3. In the Details panel, click Edit details.

  4. Update your certificate details based on the information provided in the following table.

    Field Description


    The primary recipient for notifications related to the certificate.


    Additional contextual information for the certificate.

  5. Click Save.

Renew a certificate

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page.

  2. Select the certificate to be renewed, and click Manage.

    Certificates issued by an external CA cannot be renewed.
  3. In the Actions panel, click Renew Certificate.

  4. Click Yes.

Download a certificate

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page.

  2. Select the certificate to be downloaded, and click Manage.

  3. Select the Downloads tab.

  4. Click on the appropriate download format.

Managing certificate notifications

Disable a certificate’s notifications

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page.

  2. Select the certificate to be updated, and click Manage.

  3. Select the Notifications tab.

  4. Disable the Notifications field.

  5. Click Save.

Manage a certificate’s notification recipients

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page.

  2. Select the certificate to be updated, and click Manage.

  3. Select the Notifications tab.

  4. Update the Email Addresses field to contain the email address for each individual who should receive notifications.

  5. Click Save.

Revoke a certificate

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page.

  2. Select the certificate to be revoked, and click Manage.

  3. In the Actions panel, click Revoke Certificate.

    Certificates issued by an external CA cannot be revoked.
  4. Select a reason for revocation.

  5. Provide a notification message.

  6. Click Revoke.