Managing account information

Edit account info

  1. Navigate to Settings  Account Info.

  2. In the Details panel, click Edit info.

  3. Update the account details based on the information in the following table.

    Field Description


    The name associated with the account.

    Address 1, 2, 3

    The street address of the business entity.


    The city in which the business entity resides.

    Postal Code

    The postal code at which the business entity resides.

  4. Click Submit.

Edit account contact

  1. Navigate to Settings  Account Info.

  2. In the Contact panel, click Edit contact.

  3. Update the account contact information based on the information in the following table.

    Field Description


    The name of the account’s authorized contact.


    The phone number for the account’s authorized contact.

    Phone Extension

    If applicable, the short extension number for the account’s authorized contact.


    The email account of the account’s authorized contact.

  4. Click Submit.