Code examples

These Sectigo Client SDK examples can help you write your own Go or Python applications that interact with SCM to enroll and manage SSL/TLS certificates.

Example in Go

  1. Import the SDK package.

    package main
    import (
        sdk ""
  2. Specify the SCM credentials.

    • Credentials file

    • Credentials struct

    // ACME
    credentials := sdk.acme.Config.FromFile("<path/credentials.yaml>")
    // Enrollment API
    credentials := sdk.enrollment.Config.FromFile("<path/credentials.yaml>")
    // Admin API
    credentials := sdk.admin.Config.FromFile("<path/credentials.yaml>")
    // ACME
    credentials := sdk.acme.Config.Credentials{"acme_endpoint" : "<your_acme_endoint>", "eab_key" : "<your_key_id", "eab_hmac_key" : "<your_hmac_key", "certbot_path" : "your_csr_dir"}
    // Enrollment API
    credentials := sdk.enrollment.Config.Credentials{"client_id" : "<your_client_id>", "client_secret" : "<your_client_secret", "scm_url" : "<your_scm_url"}
    // Admin API
    credentials := sdk.admin.Config.Credentials{"scm_url" : "<your_scm_url>", "scm_user" : "<your_scm_user>", "scm_password" : "<your_scm_password>", "scm_uri" : "<your_scm_uri>", "scm_org_id" : "<your_org_id>", "scm_ssl_cert_type" : "<your_cert_id>"}
  3. Specify a certificate profile.

    • Certificate profile file

    • Certificate profile struct

    certProfile := sdk.lifecycle.CertProfile.FromFile("<path/cert_profile.yaml>")
    certProfile := sdk.lifecycle.CertProfile{"scm_credentials_label": "<your_creds_label>", "ssl_cert_type": "<your_ssl_cert_type>", "ssl_cert_comments": "<your_comments>", "<other_param>": "<your_other_value>"}
  4. Initialize a Sectigo client.

    sectigoClient := sdk.lifecycle.NewClient(credentials)
  5. Enroll a certificate.

    • Abstracted CLM

    • ACME

    • Enrollment API

    • Admin API

    response, err := sectigoClient.Enroll(certProfile)
    if err != nil {
    response, err := sdk.api.acme.EnrollCertificate(sdk.api.acme.SSLEnrollRequestBody{}, credentials)
    if err != nil {
    response, err := sdk.api.enrollment.EnrollCertificate(sdk.api.enrollment.SSLEnrollRequestBody{}, credentials)
    if err != nil {
    response, err := sdk.admin.Enroll(certProfile, credentials)
    if err != nil {
  6. Retrieve the certificate.

    • Abstracted CLM

    • Direct API

    response, err := sectigoClient.Collect("<cert_id>", credentials)
    if err != nil {
    // ACME
    response, err := sdk.api.acme.GetCertificateDetails("<cert_id>", credentials)
    // Enrollment API
    response, err := sdk.api.enrollment.GetCertificateDetails("<cert_id>", credentials)
    // Admin API
    response, err := sdk.api.admin.GetCertificateDetails("<cert_id>", credentials)
    if err != nil {

Complete sample

package main

import (
    sdk ""

credentials := sdk.acme.Config.FromFile("<path/credentials.yaml>")
sectigoClient := sdk.lifecycle.NewClient(credentials)
certProfile := sdk.lifecycle.CertProfile.FromFile("<path/cert_profile.yaml>")
response, err := sectigoClient.Enroll(certProfile)

if err != nil {

response, err := sectigoClient.Collect("<cert_id>", credentials)
if err != nil {


Example in Python

  1. Import the SDK package.

    from SectigoSDK.scm_provider import SCMProvider
    from SectigoSDK.certificate_profile import CertificateProfile
    import SectigoSDK.utils as utils
  2. Configure logging.

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        log_config = {
            'log_file_name': 'sectigo_pycert.log',
            'log_level': 'info',
            'log_folder_path': '<path/log_dir>',
            'log_size_mb': 1,
            'log_file_count': 10,
        logger = Logger(log_config)
  3. Specify a certificate profile.

    • Certificate profile file

    • Credentials dictionary

    cert_profile = CertificateProfile.from_file("<path/cert_profile.yaml>")
    cert_profile_dict = {'scm_credentials_label': 'scm_credentials_label',
                            'ssl_cert_custom_fields': {'Servers Public IP (or IP Subnet)': '', 'Dept': 'Ecommerce'},
                            'ssl_cert_type': 'DV',
                            'ssl_cert_comments': 'Test certificate',
                            'ssl_cert_subject_alt_names': ',',
                            'ssl_cert_validity': '365',
                            'csr_domain': '',
                            'csr_country': 'CA',
                            'csr_state': 'Ontario',
                            'csr_location': 'Ottawa',
                            'csr_organization': 'csr_organization',
                            'csr_email_address': '[email protected]',
                            'csr_key_type': 'RSA',
                            'csr_key_size': 2048,
                            'force_renewal': False,
                            'expiry_window': 365,
                            'auto_renew': True,
                            'profile_name': 'cert_profile_1'}
        cert_profile = CertificateProfile(cert_profile_dict)
  4. Initialize a Sectigo client.

    • Credentials file

    • Credentials dictionary

    scm_object = SCMProvider.from_file("<path/scm.yaml>",cert_profile.scm_credentials_label)
    scm_dict = {
        "client_id": "b8923830-11f5-4c34-951b-fc1235634972",
        "client_secret": "Ti]hXzuxj.!T,zg!S0rZ0StbwyDlhCP4",
        "scm_url": "scm_url",
    scm = SCMProvider(scm_dict, cert_profile.scm_credentials_label)
  5. Generate a private key and CSR.

    key = utils.create_key(cert_profile.csr_key_type,cert_profile.csr_key_size,"<path/test_key.pem>")
    csr = utils.create_csr(key,cert_profile.csr_email_address,cert_profile.csr_domain,scm.csr_path)
  6. Enroll a certificate.

    ssl_id = scm.enroll(csr,cert_profile)
  7. Collect a certificate.

    if ssl_id:
            response = scm.collect(ssl_id)
  8. Renew, replace, or revoke a certificate.

    • Renew

    • Replace

    • Revoke

    ssl_id = scm.renew(<ssl_id>,cert_profile)
    ssl_id = scm.replace(<ssl_id>,csr,cert_profile)
    response = scm.revoke(<ssl_id>,"CessationOfOperation")

Complete sample

from SectigoSDK.scm_provider import SCMProvider
from SectigoSDK.certificate_profile import CertificateProfile
import SectigoSDK.utils as utils

if __name__ == '__main__':

    log_config = {
        'log_file_name' : 'sectigo_pycert.log',
        'log_level' : 'info',
        'log_folder_path' : '<path/log_dir>',
        'log_size_mb' : 1,
        'log_file_count' : 10

    logger = Logger(log_config)

    cert_profile = CertificateProfile.from_file("<path/cert_profile.yaml>")

    scm_object = SCMProvider.from_file("<path/credentials.yaml>",cert_profile.scm_credentials_label)

    key = utils.create_key(cert_profile.csr_key_type,cert_profile.csr_key_size,"<path/test_key.pem>")
    csr = utils.create_csr(key,cert_profile.csr_email_address,cert_profile.csr_domain,scm.csr_path)

    ssl_id = scm.enroll(csr,cert_profile)
    if ssl_id:
        response = scm.collect(ssl_id)