Install the module

  1. Log in to your Linux system as root user.

  2. Install the dependencies for the module.

    apt install make openssl libssl-dev libcurl4 libcurl4-openssl-dev gcc git libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev autoconf libtool libtool-bin libpcre3-dev libjansson-dev curl apache2 apache2-dev
  3. Make sure your Apache server is version 2.4.48 or later.

    apache2ctl -V
  4. Create a temporary directory in the current working directory for the mod_md tar file.

    mkdir mod_md_installation
    cd /mod_md_installation
  5. Download the latest compiled mod_md module and save it to the temporary directory.

  6. Untar the file.

    tar -xvf mod_md.2.4.x.tar.gz
  7. Execute the following commands in order.

    cd mod_md-2.4.x
    ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs --enable-werror
    make install
    a2enmod md
  8. Restart the Apache service.

    systemctl restart apache2
  9. Confirm the status of the Apache service by running the following command.

    systemctl status apache2

    If Apache doesn’t start, run systemctl service apache2 for more information.