Using the connector

To list all possible options for the connector, run it with the --help option.

python3 --help

Enroll a certificate

You can enroll for a specific certificate profile.

python3 -a enroll -p <certificate>.yaml

Verify SSL enablement

You can view your provisioned certificate(s) in either Palo Alto Firewall or Panorama.

  • Palo Alto Firewall

  • [[tabset1_panorama—​device-certficates]]Panorama: device certficates

  • [[tabset1_panorama—​all-certificates]]Panorama: all certificates

  1. Navigate to the Device tab.

  2. Select Certificate Management  Certificates.

    Palo Alto Firewall certificate management area
  1. Navigate to the Device tab.

  2. Select Certificate Management  Certificates.

    Panorama Device certificates
  1. Navigate to the Panorama tab.

  2. Select Certificate Management  Certificates.

    Panorama certificates

Renew a certificate

You can renew certificates for a specific certificate profile or for all certificate profiles available in the profile’s path.

  • All certificate profiles

  • Specific certificate profile

python3 -a renew
python3 -a renew -p <certificate>.yaml

Enable auto-renewal

You can create a cronjob that will invoke the connector on a schedule (see crontab for cron schedule expressions). To check the certificate’s eligibility for renewal, and if eligible, renew it:

  1. Run crontab -e on the terminal.

  2. Select an editor.

  3. Add a cronjob that will trigger the connector.

    The following example triggers every week.

    • All certificate profiles

    • Specific certificate profile

    0 0 * * 7 python3 /opt/sectigo/paloaltofw/ -a renew
    0 0 * * 7 python3 /opt/sectigo/paloaltofw/ -a renew -p <certificate>.yaml
  4. Save the changes and exit.

Revoke or replace a certificate

Certificate revocation is done manually in SCM. If a certificate is revoked in SCM, then during the next connector execution, the Sectigo CA server issues a new certificate, unless the certificate profile file has been removed. The connector imports the new certificate into the certificate management area of Palo Alto Firewall.

View the logs

The log files are stored in the location indicated in sectigo_log_path parameter of the config.yaml file. By default, all events are recorded.

Partial sample log file
__main__ - INFO - Loading certificate profile cert1.yaml
paloaltofw.utils.sectigo_sops - DEBUG - Environment variable sectigo_gnu_key_store not defined. Getting fingerprint from the config file
paloaltofw.utils.sectigo_sops - DEBUG - File decrypted sectigo_credentials.yaml.
paloaltofw.utils.sectigo_sops - DEBUG - Environment variable sectigo_gnu_key_store not defined. Getting fingerprint from the config file
paloaltofw.utils.sectigo_sops - DEBUG - File decrypted fw_paloalto1.yaml.
__main__ - INFO - Certificate cert1 enrolled on SCM