Understanding audit API keys

Audit API keys are used to manage authentication credentials for integrations with the SCM Audit REST API.

Audit API clients can be managed on the Integrations  Audit API Keys page.

Audit API Keys page

The following table describes the settings and controls of the Audit API Keys page.

Column Description


The name of the audit API key.

Client ID

The ID of the audit API key.


The date and time when the authentication credentials were created for the audit API key.

Table controls


Enables you to sort the table information using custom filters.


Refreshes the information presented in the table.

Admin controls


Opens the Create Audit API Key dialog where you can add new API keys.


Removes the selected API key.


Opens the Audit API Key dialog where you can manage API key properties.

View Audit

Opens the Audit API Key Audit dialog where you can view or download audit logs.