Managing bulk SSL enrollment requests

Approve a bulk SSL enrollment request

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  Bulk SSL.

  2. Select the request you want to approve, and click Approve.

  3. In the Approval Message dialog, provide a message outlining any relevant details about your decision.

  4. Click Approve.

Decline a bulk SSL enrollment request

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  Bulk SSL.

  2. Select the request you want to decline, and click Decline.

  3. In the Decline Message dialog, provide a message outlining any relevant details about your decision.

  4. Click Decline.

Approve or deny certificates requests independently

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  Bulk SSL.

  2. Select the request you want to approve or deny, and click Details.

  3. Approve or deny each certificate request as required.

    All certificates in the bulk request must be either approved or denied before the request can be processed.

Edit a bulk SSL enrollment request

  1. Navigate to Enrollment  Bulk SSL.

  2. Select the request you want to edit, and click Edit.

  3. Update the Edit bulk dialog based on the information provided in the following table.

    Field Description

    Public Key Algorithm

    The public key algorithm specified in the bulk enrollment request for use in certificate generation.

    Key Size/Curve

    The key size or curve specified in the bulk enrollment request for use in certificate generation.

  4. Click Save.