Configuring the connector

This page describes how to configure the Sectigo connector, allowing you to manage certificates using Jira issues and workflows.

Obtain your SCM API credentials

You will need your SCM API credentials to configure the Sectigo Profile Settings in Jira.

  1. Log in to SCM with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

  2. Select Enrollment  REST.

  3. Select SSL Certificates REST API, and click Accounts.

  4. Select your account and click Edit.

  5. Click Reset Secret, and confirm resetting the client secret.

  6. Make a copy of the values under Client ID and Application (client) Secret.

    You will need to assign them to the Client ID and Client Secret parameters in Sectigo Profile Settings.

    Client ID and secret

Configure Sectigo Profile Settings

Profile credentials are used to connect to data on the SCM Enrollment REST API.

profile settings

To create, rename, or remove a profile:

  1. Navigate to Jira Administration, and select Manage Apps.

  2. From the list of functions on the left side of the screen, select Sectigo Profile Settings.

  3. Configure the profile settings based on the information in the following table.

    Field Description

    Select Profile

    Select an existing profile or create a new one.

    Client ID

    Your SCM client ID.

    Client Secret

    Your SCM client secret.


    The URL of your SCM instance.

    SSL Cert Comments

    Optional comments.

    Force Renewal

    Select to force renewal of certificates for this profile within the next 24 hours.

    Expiry Window (days)

    Enter the number of days until the certificate expires. Not necessary if you selected Force Renewal.

    Auto Renew

    Select to automate certificate renewal before they expire. Not necessary if you selected Force Renewal.

  4. Click Save.

Configure logging

  1. Navigate to Jira Administration, and select System.

  2. Under System Support, click Logging and profiling.

  3. Scroll down to Default Loggers, and click Configure.

  4. Enter com.sectigo, select INFO, and click Add.