Configuring the connector

This page describes how to configure the connector for certificate enrollment and management.

Configure AWS programmatic access

After installing the AWS CLI, configure environment variables to use AWS programmatically:

  1. Obtain access credentials associated with your IAM user in the AWS console:

    1. Navigate to the IAM section.

    2. Select Users in the left menu.

    3. Select the user and navigate to the Security credentials tab.

      AWS security credentials
    4. Click Create access key and copy Access key ID and Secret access key (you can also download a CSV file with the values).

      AWS access keys
  2. Specify your access keys and default region name for one or more AWS accounts (you can change the default region at any time) using the aws configure command.

    • Single AWS account

    • Multiple AWS accounts

    aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: "<access_key_id"
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: "<secret_access_key>"
    Default region name [None]: "<region_name>"
    Default output format [None]: json

    Run the aws configure --profile <profile_name> command for each AWS account where you will install the connector.

    aws configure -- profile <account_name>
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: "<access_key_id"
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: "<secret_access_key>"
    Default region name [None]: "<region_name>"
    Default output format [None]: json

    The profile name and default region are saved to the ~/.aws/config file.

    [profile aws_account_1]

    The AWS credentials are saved to the ~/.aws/credentials file.

    [profile aws_account_1]

Create an ACME account and obtain the EAB values

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. Navigate to Enrollment  ACME.

    Enrollment endpoints
  3. Select your ACME endpoint.

    ACME endpoint
  4. Click Accounts.

  5. Click Add and provide the following details:

    • Name: A name for the ACME account

    • Organization: The organization to be associated with the ACME account

    • Department: (Optional) The department to be associated with the ACME account

      Create ACME account page
  6. Click Save.

    External Account Binding (EAB) is now created for the new ACME account.

    Make a note of the following ACME account details for client registration:

    • ACME URL

    • Key ID

    • HMAC Key

    Once the client is successfully registered, these values will be erased from the system.

    SCM ACME account details
  7. Click Close.

Configure the ACME accounts file

Configure the acme_accounts.yaml file.

The acme-account.yaml file is uploaded to the S3 bucket. This file contains EAB information for the ACME accounts, which is sensitive data and must be protected. To edit or redeploy the file, use the AWS CLI commands. You can also work with the file using the AWS console.

Sample ACME accounts file
      acme-endpoint: ""
      eab-hmac-key: "cXJpUlh2OTZFcW11cEIwcFVrWWtCOFRRYWJzTnVqejhrMDd3MWR6TzBkVnpvaTVY"
      eab-key: "dfd846050852841ffaaf87cfa64b53e1"
      email: [email protected]
      RenewBeforeDays: 30
      KeyType: RSA
      KeySize: 2048

The following table describes the parameters in the file.

Parameter Description


An arbitrary alias for your ACME account


The URL of the ACME server


The HMAC key for external account binding


The key ID for external account binding


The email address for ACME account registration and recovery contact


The number of days prior to certificate expiration that a renewal process is initiated. The default expiry window is 30 days.


The key algorithm to use for certificate enrollment. The possible values are RSA and ECDSA.


The key size to use for certificate enrollment. The possible values are 2048 and 4096 for RSA, and 256, 384, and 521 for ECDSA.