Using the plugin
Users may interact with Vault directly through the Vault CLI tool, or with the exposed API endpoints through a tool such as cURL. This section describes how to interact with the Sectigo PKI plugin using the Vault CLI tool and using cURL.
In the downloaded package, you have a directory named sample_json_data
which contains two subdirectories: ssl_cert
and client_cert
Each of these subdirectories contains JSON files which correspond to the paths that are supported by the custom plugin.
The following commands refer to the ssl_cert
JSON files.
For client certificates, simply use the client_cert
JSON files instead.
Make sure to customize the variables in the applicable JSON files to match your SCM setup and certificate requirements.
Using the Vault CLI
CLI Action | Command |
Create a config entry |
Enroll and collect a certificate |
This step can take a few minutes to complete and may be subject to different types of timeouts.
For more information, see Dealing with timeouts and error codes.
Every |
Read a certificate |
Read a certificate from the Vault local storage |
Revoke a certificate |
Revoking a certificate doesn’t delete it from Vault. |
Replace a certificate |
Fetch an existing certificate from SCM |
Manually renew a certificate |
Automatically renew a certificate |
The certificate validity check takes place each time a user reads a certificate that is stored in Vault. Automatic certificate renewal gets triggered when both the following conditions are met:
For more information, see Certificate renewal flow diagram. |
Delete a certificate from Vault |
List all certificates under a config name |
List all config entries stored in Vault |
Read a config entry |
Delete a config entry from Vault |
Obtain a certificate profile from SCM |
List all certificate profiles entries stored in Vault |
Read a certificate profile entry from Vault |
Delete a certificate profile entry from Vault |
Using the API endpoints
cURL Action | Command |
Create a config entry |
Enroll and collect a certificate |
This step can take a few minutes to complete and may be subject to different types of timeouts.
For more information, see Dealing with timeouts and error codes.
Every |
Read a certificate |
The command performs an HTTP GET. Therefore, all parameters must be passed with the URL. |
Read a certificate from the Vault local storage |
Revoke a certificate |
Revoking a certificate doesn’t delete it from Vault. |
Replace a certificate |
Fetch an existing certificate from SCM |
Manually renew a certificate |
Automatically renew a certificate |
The certificate validity check takes place each time a user reads a certificate that is stored in Vault. Automatic certificate renewal gets triggered when both the following conditions are met:
For more information, see Certificate renewal flow diagram. |
Delete a certificate from Vault |
List all certificates under a config name |
List all config entries stored in Vault |
Read a config entry |
Delete a config entry from Vault |
Obtain a certificate profile from SCM |
List all certificate profiles entries stored in Vault |
Read a certificate profile entry from Vault |
Delete a certificate profile entry from Vault |
Using the Vault CLI tool, users may read entries from Vault using three different formats:
All cURL responses are returned using only the JSON format.
The certificate-related data in the following sample output appears under the data
JSON array.
Fields outside of the data
JSON array are internally set and used by Vault.
For regular SSL certificates, the output for a typical certificate entry stored in Vault will have the following JSON output.
Client certificates have similar output, but don’t have an ssl_format
field, and use order_number
instead of ssl_id
"request_id": "<request_id>",
"lease_id": "",
"renewable": 0,
"data": {
"cert_unique_id": "<ssl_id|order_number>_<customer_uri>",
"certificate": "<certificate>",
"certificate_type": "<ssl_cert>|<client_cert>",
"csr": "<csr>",
"domain": "<domain>",
"private_key": "<private_key>",
"renew_id": "<renew_id>",
"ssl_format": "<ssl_format>",
"ssl_id": <ssl_id>,
"state": [
"status": "<status>",
"time_stamp": "<time_stamp>"
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": null
The Sectigo Vault PKI plugin prints operational logs directly on the Vault server logs.
These logs are typically accessible through the STDOUT
of the running Vault server.
Users may change the log level as per their requirements.
For more information on Vault server logs and on changing the log level, see Vault Logs.
How to use existing CSRs or private keys
When enrolling a certificate, users have the option to provide an existing private key or an existing CSR. If either or both of these two values are provided, the Sectigo Vault PKI plugin will use them instead of generating new ones.
There are two main techniques to enroll a certificate using input from existing CSRs or private key PEM files:
Passing CSRs and private keys as PEM files
Passing CSRs and private keys as strings
These techniques also apply to paths other than |
Passing CSRs and private keys as PEM files
Customize the entries in
to match your requirements. Do not include thesectigo_csr
variables in the JSON input.The Vault CLI tool doesn’t allow you to override the value of a variable that’s specified in a JSON input file with a non-JSON value. If you include the variables for
in your JSON file and attempt to override the input using non-JSON input, you will get a failed to parse error message from Vault. -
Provide the CSR and private key file as key value pairs to the Vault CLI. Execute the following command. Make sure to provide a valid
, and point to thecsr.pem
files that exist on your machine.$ vault write sectigo-vault-pki/enroll/<config_name> [email protected] sectigo_private_key=@private_key.pem @ssl_cert.json
Passing CSRs and private keys as strings
Customize the entries in
to match your requirements:-
Provide the input for
variables in the applicable JSON file. -
Ensure that the PEM strings are escaped properly by using
instead of separate lines for each individual line from the PEM string.
Sample JSON CSR"sectigo_csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- \nMIIC6jCCAdICAQAwgYYxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMQswCQYDVQQIEWPTjEPMAOGAlUE\nBxMGS2FuYXRhMRAwCogYDVQQKEwdTZWN0aWdeMQ8wDQYDVQQLEwZEZXZPcHMxEjAQ\negNVBAMTCWNjbXFhLmNybTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTZGVtb3VzZXIxQGNjbXFh\nLeNvtaCCASIwDQYJKoZIhecNAQEBBQADggEPA DCCAQoCggEBA3v/fimH2Iws+BSW\nznqYkXN2QYP/Qt8RASbfehcQvp8vBItt+bFP7730aUMLtEgz+G hcrVTd5yhx9Unk\nVEPrSu/t6Zbr+Kem2BOLUNXVCg/xK7KxhWMdXGuGx1uQtMIE48CY9Xj3LNPVmVU\nb1CFXNqlcOMPldqrr3n11Kwegne2xPNKbBOPte33N6fRZIyuBrM+SeLMF6sY\nj2THadd8L2 KwYtVHSV31Ygg7dmw/EL408EWtSraNOW3ixOsrnEf/4R67z1joAdoD\n+wQiUsOoXzuy037i7Uv2gsfVyqYTYsscpeAvGBkOoQcWTbKzAdUYjgFZ4nhHY74\n0ANNcesCAwEAAaAeMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJDjERMA0wCwYDVRORBAQwAoIAMAGGCSqG\nSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBwEB311PlisYP3pgrft+VErV+YY8wX8 bYSFD/nasq2ziz\nf717wdCQoVyznoVz8wRvX16Bp11Xdam'sFb+1F2HwoZywQ6VCPmegio0v9HLkflnFY7ZYeRNIE+aEN1I2laULnynNrZarMFtBMoPlatmhDLNUFgEtWy9RNt38TxxZg893\nszDEqWYYFSq1GXCGWL6TRbbaNyCLWMzNqpNGWaInw2CSbdi6/WdSvIT7BKWc/06\nggVG0HXRNF20Sa4ImUMz96uh6N9c6MN+BBivo77ZjCKOqbKTIKtnnimx1QnnOvht\nEqWTy0NasAkzEgTopESh3I6boh4K0jhKEicQVsQL\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n"
Execute the following (one-line) command. Make sure that the
that you created in the previous step is passed in the enroll path.$ vault write sectigo-vault-pki/enroll/<config_name> @ssl_cert.json
Dealing with timeouts and error codes
The certificate issuance process on SCM can often take a few minutes to complete. Therefore, it is important to properly handle possible timeout situations to successfully obtain the status for newly enrolled, fetched, replaced, or renewed certificates.
There are three types of timeouts that you may encounter when attempting to collect a certificate that is in the Applied state on SCM:
Timeouts that are related to the
parameter that is configured in your applicable JSON file. -
Timeouts that are set on the configured listener on your Vault server. See full list of listener parameters here.
Timeouts that are related to the client tool that you are using such as, Vault CLI tool or cURL. For the Vault CLI tool, the
environment variable can be used.Vault 1.2.3 had a bug that prevented the Vault server from picking up that environment variable, the bug was fixed in Vault 1.3.0. The changelog details for that release can be accessed here.
To avoid issues due to timeouts, make sure to either increase your Vault server and client timeouts, or reduce the sectigo_max_timeout
in your applicable JSON file such that it is smaller than your existing Vault server and client timeouts.
In case your download timed out due to it requiring more time than specified in sectigo_max_timeout
, and your certificate result contained TimedoutStateSaved
, re-reading the certificate will make the Sectigo Vault PKI plugin re-attempt to collect it from SCM.
If a Vault server or client timeout occurs and you are not sure if your certificate got stored in Vault, use the vault list sectigo-vault-pki/certs/<config_name>
command to see all certificates that are stored under your given config name.
In some cases, it is possible to successfully enroll, replace, or renew a certificate on SCM and still face an issue when attempting to collect it.
This can occur if you are required to provide further manual approval for the certificate.
In such cases, the certificate result will be set to ErrorCode
along with a description provided by SCM.
When this happens, read the given ErrorCode
and try to fix the shown issue.
Once you have fixed the applicable issue, re-reading the certificate will make the Sectigo Vault PKI plugin re-attempt to collect it from SCM.