Configuring the connnector

This page describes how to configure the connector to automate the certificate lifecycle management.

Validate the domains

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. (Optional) Navigate to the Organizations page to see if an organization with departments already exists. On this page you can create a new organization or add departments to an existing organization.

    To add an organization:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Complete the fields with the organization’s details, then click Next.

    3. Configure settings for specific types of certificates.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Select the newly created organization from the list of organizations.

    6. Click Add Department and complete the fields with the department’s details.

    7. Click Validate to start the validation process for this organization.

      SCM organizations page
  3. Navigate to the Domains page.

    SCM Domains page
  4. To create a new domain entry, click Add.

  5. Specify the domain name, select the organizations/departments to delegate the domain to, and the allowed certificate types.

    SCM create domain page
  6. Click Save.

  7. If your organization or department requires delegations to be approved:

    1. Select the newly created domain from the list of domains.

    2. Click Approve Delegations.

      SCM Domains tab with the new domain
    3. Select the organization or department, then click Approve.

      To change the organization or department which the domain is delegated to, click Delegate and select the appropriate Organizations/Departments.

  8. (Public CA only) Validate your domain:

    1. Select your domain and click Validate.

      SCM validate domain
    2. Select the appropriate DCV method as per your initial setup.

      SCM select DCV Method
      The following steps assume that you selected Email as the DCV method.
    3. Click Next.

    4. In Select an email address, select a registered email.

    5. Click Submit.

      SCM DCV select registered email

      A message confirms that the validation letter was sent to your selected email.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Follow the instructions provided in the email to validate your domain.

      Once the domain is validated, its Status will change to Validated on the Domains page.

      SCM DCV domain validated

Create an ACME account and obtain the EAB values

If you’re going to enroll certificates using the ACME service, do the following:

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. Navigate to Enrollment  ACME.

    Enrollment endpoints
  3. Select your ACME endpoint.

    ACME endpoint
  4. Click Accounts.

  5. Click Add and provide the following details:

    • Name: A name for the ACME account

    • Organization: The organization to be associated with the ACME account

    • Department: (Optional) The department to be associated with the ACME account

      Create ACME account page
  6. Click Save.

    External Account Binding (EAB) is now created for the new ACME account.

  7. Make a note of the following ACME account details for client registration:

    • ACME URL

    • Key ID

    • HMAC Key

      SCM ACME account details
  8. Click Close.

Obtain the SCM API credentials

If you’re going to enroll certificates using the REST API, do the following:

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. Select Enrollment  REST. Make a note of the URL value under SSL Certificates REST API.

    SSL certificates REST API
  3. Select SSL Certificates REST API and click Accounts.

  4. Select your account and click Edit.

    SSL certificates REST accounts
  5. Click Reset Secret and confirm resetting the client secret.

    SSL certificates REST accounts
  6. Make a note of the values under Client ID and Application (client) Secret.

    Client ID and secret

Extract the contents

Unzip the package and configure permissions for a non-root user:

  1. (Optional) Create a non-root user that has access to the /home/user/sectigo directory.

    1. Create a group called sectigogroup.

      sudo groupadd sectigogroup
    2. Create a sectigouser user, add them to the sectigogroup group, and set /home/user as the home directory for the user.

      sudo useradd -s /bin/false -g sectigogroup -d /home/user sectigouser
    3. Switch to the newly created user.

      su sectigouser
  2. Download the file to your machine.

  3. Create a new directory called sectigo somewhere on your machine. The following commands assume that the directory is located under /home/user.

  4. Extract the contents of the archive to /home/user/sectigo.

    unzip ./

Set up the configuration file

The connector can work with plaintext or encrypted credentials to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials and other information, depending on the selected protocol. To reduce the amount of manual, error-prone configuration, particularly for encryption, the connector offers a prompt where you can type answers on the command line to specify the protocol, credentials, and whether to encrypt the credentials. The values you enter are added to the config.yml file.

  • ACME

  • REST

To set up the configuration file for use with the ACME service, run the connector with the --configure option and follow the prompt to provide ACME credentials, logging level, and certificate directory. If you choose to encrypt your credentials, this command also creates a key pair in the current directory and encrypts your HMAC key using the public key.

sectigo-java-agent --configure

At each prompt, provide the parameters that will define your configuration file. The square brackets indicate an existing or default value, if any.

Please specify your Sectigo API parameters parameters for the configuration file.
Sectigo API Type (1 - Enrollment, 2 - ACME): 2
Sectigo ACME URL [None]:
Sectigo ACME Key ID [None]: 2a82af7331a11fc8b9ec2793d924b0aa
Sectigo ACME HMAC Key [None]: AqlqlXB9mQoQzrGHmFzLSdbhENiea9RibwyCZoNfXrp7o7A1Yb9pvPwCPFpl7ZBMztc752le8VhCDXyTg5ms68U6
Encrypt ACME HMAC Key (yes / no) [yes]: yes
Log level (panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace) [trace]: trace
Certificate database directory [./domains]: ./domains
Configuration file successfully created!
Run the agent with the following command.

When you are prompted for the logging level, the possible values are:

  • trace: Logs all events. The default value.

  • debug: Logs events like enrolling a certificate (less detailed logs than with trace)

  • info: Logs only events like certificate renewal

  • fatal: Logs only fatal errors

  • error: Logs all errors

  • warning: Logs only warnings

The logs are stored in the logs directory within the working directory.

Sample configuration file (config.yml)
    apiUrl: ""
    kid: "2a82af7331a11fc8b9ec2793d924b0aa"
    hmacKey: "4Of1p44zWexJ1lUQcQmozXyisMHEBAGwKOm7V6hqOon+CcpZfudSSXl58shivtyM/GcR1KTm8tjeqPXYcmhcRs0yFjcJSdNtvs7MCso2EotOneAwDLFf7LzshNtMm+vDUP8di1JntaLevRjRiG4m2exUTvxwVQI8NYksizHAp7NdkpsyxOC01Tp2tdZ0Pny4/hI1PL9a2i/9I/l5i7GYm3QOjsARoBSAuCfaN7ntHTN2yrLQEdSBHGeoOTBMUNJBpTcnOv2MGnvFeTivFIRISNO3jJmMwOPrFqdNrM7xux3+lLnAvQn2aECPw4SA5zWj0vwKXRy913LajcVH4NJ06Q=="
    level: trace
      directory: ./domains
  encrypted: rsa_key.pri

To set up the configuration file for use with the REST API, run the connector with the --configure option and follow the prompt to provide REST API credentials, logging level, and certificate directory. If you choose to encrypt your credentials, this command also creates a key pair in the current directory and encrypts your client secret using the public key.

sectigo-java-agent --configure

At each prompt, provide the parameters that will define your configuration file. The square brackets indicate an existing or default value, if any.

Please specify your Sectigo API parameters parameters for the configuration file.
Sectigo API Type (1 - Enrollment, 2 - ACME): 1
Sectigo Enrollment API URL [None]:
Sectigo Client ID [None]: b8923830-11f5-4c34-951b-fc1235634972
Sectigo Client Secret [None]: Ti]hXzuxj.!T,zg!S0rZ0StbwyDlhCP4
Encrypt Client Secret (yes / no) [yes]: yes
Log level (panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace) [trace]: trace
Certificate database directory [./domains]: ./domains
Configuration file successfully created!
Run the agent with the following command.

When you are prompted for the logging level, the possible values are:

  • trace: Logs all events. The default value.

  • debug: Logs events like enrolling a certificate (less detailed logs than with trace)

  • info: Logs only events like certificate renewal

  • fatal: Logs only fatal errors

  • error: Logs all errors

  • warning: Logs only warnings

The logs are stored in the logs directory within the working directory.

Sample configuration file (config.yml)
    apiUrl: ""
    clientID: "b8923830-11f5-4c34-951b-fc1235634972"
    clientSecret: "w2XiPAa3kdmAnnbQVebUwqBlh2hMX8g+Rq+fiVbUZFakWcDM/2H8iiPqvp86BghJYpCVFLXEHHNtdRxhYzxLR0l84iiV2mMdOT7LSk3mF8AnqQ8ESrEoEYpyrQGtX1eTdswFoF1tLLnXXc9NamSZuzKJdu0sSCKTcIQw+v89D4WyCyQ/NXSBlkpm2OC1ImxAY0VlByYQ8hCMKz62OuvKznq9TjZxGmfIznATh7wErXYvBOpX4mJi8kVV3EgfqNi9eSnSoP0WPd89QuqOg3Rqs0B+IZ41tRiBJjjcAh+ttdmeCys+rf+No6ALVcYejOEJZftOriWgi22Ii0xJj+ZNzA=="
    level: trace
      directory: ./domains
  encrypted: rsa_key.pri

Set up the certificate profile file

The connector offers an automated way to configure parameters, such as the CSR filename or renewal window, in the certificates.yaml. Place one or more CSR files in the domains root directory or its subdirectories for specific domains, and run the following command.

sectigo-java-agent csr add -d /domains/my_domain -f csr-file-1.csr -r 7 \
-m "Certificate for Java keystore" -s, -e [email protected]

The command creates a certificates.yml file in the my_domain directory, and adds your values to the file. If you run the command again for another CSR stored in the same directory, the connector adds more entries to the existing certificates.yml file.

Sample certificate profile file
    - comments: Certificate for Java keystore
      csr: csr-file-1.csr
      subjAltNames: ["", ""]
      externalRequester: "[email protected]"
      renewBeforeDays: 7
    - comments: Certificate for Java keystore
      csr: csr-file-2.csr
      subjAltNames: ["", ""]
      externalRequester: "[email protected]"
      renewBeforeDays: 10

List the CSR files

To list all CSR files from the certificates.yml file, run the following command.

sectigo-java-agent csr list

To list the CSR files that reside in a specific directory, run the following command.

sectigo-java-agent csr list -d </domains/your_directory

Remove a CSR file

To remove a CSR from the certificates.yml file, run the following commmand.

sectigo-java-agent csr remove -f <csr-file>.csr -d </domains>