Configuring the connector

This page describes how to configure the connector to automate certificate lifecycle management.

Validate the domains

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. (Optional) Navigate to the Organizations page to see if an organization with departments already exists. On this page you can create a new organization or add departments to an existing organization.

    To add an organization:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Complete the fields with the organization’s details, then click Next.

    3. Configure settings for specific types of certificates, then click Save.

    4. Select the newly created organization from the list of organizations.

    5. Click Add Department and complete the fields with the department’s details.

    6. Click Validate to start the validation process for this organization.

      SCM organizations page
  3. Navigate to the Domains page.

    SCM Domains page
  4. To create a new domain entry, click Add.

  5. Specify the domain name, select the organizations/departments to delegate the domain to, and the allowed certificate types. Click Save.

    SCM create domain page
  6. If your organization or department requires delegations to be approved:

    1. Select the newly created domain from the list of domains.

    2. Click Approve Delegations.

      SCM Domains tab with the new domain
    3. Select the organization or department, then click Approve.

      To change the organization or department which the domain is delegated to, click Delegate and select the appropriate Organizations/Departments.

  7. (Public CA only) Validate your domain:

    1. Select your domain and click Validate.

      SCM validate domain
    2. Select the appropriate DCV method as per your initial setup.

      SCM select DCV Method
      The following steps assume that you selected Email as the DCV method.
    3. Click Next.

    4. In Select an email address, select a registered email.

    5. Click Submit.

      SCM DCV select registered email

      A message confirms that the validation letter was sent to your selected email.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Follow the instructions provided in the email to validate your domain.

      Once the domain is validated, its Status will change to Validated on the Domains page.

      SCM DCV domain validated

Obtain the SCM API credentials

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. Select Enrollment  REST. Make a note of the URL value in the row for SSL Certificates REST API. You will need to assign it to the sectigo_scm_url parameter in the config.yaml file.

    SSL certificates REST API
  3. Select SSL Certificates REST API and click Accounts.

  4. Select your account and click Edit.

    SSL certificates REST accounts
  5. Click Reset Secret and confirm resetting the client secret.

    SSL certificates REST accounts
  6. Make a note of the values under Client ID and Application (client) Secret. You will need to assign them to the sectigo_cm_user_id and sectigo_cm_user_secret parameters in the sectigo_credentials.yaml file.

    Client ID and secret

Extract the contents

  1. Log in to your Linux client machine as a user with administrator privileges.

  2. Create a new directory called sectigo on your machine and place the integration package in the newly created directory. The following commands assume that the package is located in opt/sectigo.

  3. Navigate to /opt/sectigo and execute the following commands (you don’t need to install the unzip utility if you already have it).

    • DEB

    • RPM

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-update install unzip
    unzip -d /opt/sectigo
    sudo yum update
    sudo yum install unzip
    unzip -d /opt/sectigo

Install the dependencies

  1. Navigate to the ciscoftd-sectigocm-24.05 directory.

  2. Install the Python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file.

    We recommend that you install Python packages into a virtual environment.
    • Virtual environment

    • Global installation

    The following instructions are Ubuntu-specific.

    sudo apt install python3.8-venv
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    The following instructions are Ubuntu-specific.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set up the SCM credentials file

Configure the sectigo_credentials.yaml file in the profiles_sample directory. If needed, create an additional account entry in the file for each additional SCM account used.

Sample SCM credentials file
    client_id: client_id
    client_secret: secret
    scm_url: https://{{customer}}.enroll.{{instance}}

The following table describes parameters in the file.

Parameter Description


A user-defined credentials label. This label is referenced in the scm_credential_detail parameter in the certificate profile file. You can have multiple client ID and secret pairs, each with their own label.


The client ID of the SCM user.


The client secret of the SCM user.

Set up the Cisco FTD profile configuration

Create a Cisco FTD config file. This file specifies the target firewall to which a certificate will be attached. A sample cisco_ftd_credentials.yaml file is located in the config directory. A single firewall profile can be used as target in multiple certificate profiles. You can have multiple firewall profile files.

A sample firewall profile file
username: admin
password: 123Cisco@123!

The following table describes parameters in the file.

Parameter Description


The FQDN or IP address of the firewall instance.


The user’s name.


The user’s password.

Set up the certificate profile file

Configure a certificate profile file for a firewall instance. A sample certificate.yaml file is located in the config directory. You can have one or more certificate profiles for each firewall profile. You can give any name to the certificate profile file.

We recommend that you keep the certificate template files outside the connector’s directory on the client machine. Use the cert_profile_path parameter in the config.yaml file to specify the location of certificate template files.

A sample certificate profile file
scm_credentials_label: ENROLLMENT_API_1
cisco_credentials_label: cisco_ftd_credentials
ssl_cert_custom_fields: {"Servers Public IP (or IP Subnet)":"test1","Test":"test2"}
ssl_cert_type: 1234
ssl_org_id: 123
ssl_cert_comments: Test certificate
ssl_cert_validity: '365'
csr_country: CA
csr_state: Ontario
csr_location: Ottawa
csr_organization: SamplePrivateCA
csr_email_address: [email protected]
csr_key_type: RSA
csr_key_size: 2048
force_renewal: False
expiry_window: 30
auto_renew: true
cisco_skip_ca_check: true
ssl_policy: NGFW-Default-SSL-Policy

The following table describes parameters in the file.

Parameter Description


The credentials ID (label) from the scm_credentials file.


The Cisco credentials.


The SSL cert custom fields.


The SSL cert type. The options are OV, EV, DV.


The SSL cert type (for API).


The SSL org ID (for API).


(Optional) Comments for certificate enrollment.


A comma-separated list of subject alternative names (SAN) included in the certificate subjectAltName field.


The number of days the certificate is valid.


The domain name included in the certificate Common Name (CN) field.


The country name included in the certificate Country (C) field.


The state or province name included in the certificate State (ST) field.


The city/town name included in the certificate Locality (L) field.


The organization name included in the certificate Organization (O) field.


The email address included in the certificate emailAddress field.


The key algorithm to use for certificate enrollment. The value is RSA.


The key size to use for certificate enrollment. The possible values are:

  • RSA: 2048, 3072, and 4096


Specifies whether to forcibly renew a certificate, even though it’s not yet expired. The possible values are true and false. The default value is false.


The number of days prior to expiration that a certificate renewal process is initiated. The default expiry window is 30 days.


Specifies whether to renew a certificate automatically. The possible values are true and false. The default value is true.


The SSL policy.

Set up the config file

Configure the config.yaml file in the profiles_sample directory.

A sample configuration file
sectigo_external_requester: [email protected]
log_file_name: "sectigo_pycert.log"
log_folder_path: "logs"
log_level: info
log_size_mb: 1
log_file_count: 10

The following table describes parameters in the file.

Parameter Description


The email address of the certificate requester.


The name for the log file. When the log file reaches its maximum size as specified in log_size_mb, the current log file is backed up and a new log file is created.

For example, if the log file name is sectigo_pycert.log, backed up log files will be named as sectigo_pycert.log.1, sectigo_pycert.log.2, and so on.


The path to the directory that hosts the log files.

If you are on Windows, use a double backslash as a separator (\\).


The log level.

The supported values are INFO and DEBUG. The default value is INFO.


The maximum size (in megabytes) of a log file. The default value is 1.


The maximum number of log files. The default value is 10.

Encrypting the credentials file

The connector can work with plaintext or encrypted configuration files. If you prefer to store your SCM and Cisco FTD credentials in an encrypted form, you need to install the GPG command-line tool and SOPS editor of encrypted files.

Encrypting the SCM secret and FTD API key is an optional but recommended step to protect your credentials from unauthorized access.

Install SOPS

Install the SOPS editor for encrypting and decrypting the credentials.

To check whether SOPS is installed on the system using the sops --version command.

Encrypt the credentials file

  1. Change the value of the sectigo_encrypt_credentials parameter in the config.yaml file to True.

  2. Create a private key.

    • Unattended key generation

    • Attended key generation

    gpg --batch --passphrase '' --quick-gen-key $(whoami) default default

    The --quick-generate-key option requires you to specify the user ID field on the command line and optionally an algorithm, usage, and expire date. Default values are used for all other options.

    gpg --full-generate-key

    The --generate-key option prompts for the real name and email fields before asking for a confirmation to proceed, and provides a dialog for all options.

  3. Retrieve the key fingerprint.

    gpg -list-keys
  4. Add the fingerprint to the sectigo_gnu_key parameter in config.yaml.

  5. Encrypt the credentials.

    python3 -a enc -p scm.yaml

Edit the credentials file

If you need to edit the ecrypted file, first decrypt it.

python3 -a dec -p <yaml file>