Configuring the connector

This page describes how to configure the connector to automate the certificate lifecycle management for Akamai.

Authenticate with Akamai

Create an .edgerc file in your home directory (~/.edgerc) with the secret, access_token, host, and client_token information for authentication through EdgeGrid.

To generate the credentials:

  1. Log in to the Control Center.

  2. Select your profile at top right, then select User settings on the Users tab.

  3. Click Create API client, then click Quick or Advanced.

  4. Copy the values to an .edgerc file in your home directory.

    client_secret = A113nt53KF3TM6N90yVuAgICgIRwsObLi0E67/N8eRN=
    host =
    access_token = akab-acc35t3k3nokujqunph3w0hzp7-gtq6ij
    client_token = akab-c111ntt3k3n4qtari202bfxxbsl-yksej
  5. Add a pointer to your .edgerc file in the provider block of your file.

    provider "akamai" {
      edgerc         = "~/.edgerc"
      config_section = "default"

For more details, see Add authentication in Akamai documentation.

Obtain the SCM API credentials

If you have not already obtained your SCM API credentials, do so now.

  1. Log in to SCM at<customer_uri> with the MRAO administrator credentials provided to your organization.

    Sectigo runs multiple instances of SCM. The main instance of SCM is accessible at If your account is on a different instance, adjust the URL accordingly.

  2. Select Enrollment  REST. Make a note of the URL value under SSL Certificates REST API. You will need to assign it to the scm_url parameter in the scm_config.yaml file.

  3. Select SSL Certificates REST API and click Accounts.

  4. Select your account and click Edit.

  5. Click Reset Secret and confirm resetting the client secret.

  6. Make a note of the values under Client ID and Application (client) Secret. You will need to assign them to the client_id and client_secret parameters in the scm_config.yaml file.

    Client ID and secret

Set up the config file

Configure the scm_config.yaml file.

Sample config file
client_id: "e9a4a344-eafd-471d-a9cb-496835ffcb76"
client_secret: "e9a4a344-eafd-471d-a9cb-496835ffcb76"

The following table describes parameters in the file.

Parameter Description


The client ID of the SCM user


The client secret of the SCM user


The URL of the SCM account

Configure Terraform

Configure the Terraform variables in the ./module/ file and/or example/ file. Refer to the table below.

  • If you have only one domain, you can edit the file and remove the ./example/ file.

  • If you have two or more domains, create a directory for each domain and copy the ./example/ file to those directories.

    The ./example/ file contains only a handful of variables, such as the domain name or key type. It’s assumed that most certificate attributes will have the same values, which can be defined in the file. If you need custom values for each domain, you can add more variables to ./example/, which will override the default values from

The following table describes the variables that you need to configure for certificate issuance. Some of them will likely have values defined on a per-certificate basis (for example, SAN values), while for others you may want to define default values in the file (for example, the contact details of the Akamai administrator).

For a full list of available variables and their values, see DV third-party enrollment.

Variable Description


The Akamai contract ID


The domain name included in the certificate Common Name (CN) field


A comma-separated list of subject alternative names (SAN) included in the certificate subjectAltName field


The certificate signing request (CSR) information

  • country_code: The country name included in the certificate Country (C) field

  • city: The locality name included in the certificate Locality (L) field

  • organization: The organization name included in the certificate Organization (O) field

  • organizational_unit: The name of a department within the organization

  • state: The state or province name included in the certificate State (ST) field


The key algorithm to use for certificate enrollment. The possible values are rsa (RSA 2048-bit) and ecdsa (ECDSA P-256). The default value is ecdsa.


The network information and TLS metadata


The details of the organization


The details of the Akamai administrator contact at your company


The details of the certificate administrator contact at your company